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2023 Accounting PhD Rookie Recruiting and Research Camp

Thank you to BDO for generously sponsoring the 2023 Camp!

December 8 - 10, 2023

Dallas, Texas

Important 2023 Rookie Camp Information

Candidate registration closes on Tuesday, October, 31, 2023.

Recruiter registration closes on Sunday, December 10, 2023.

Candidates and recruiters must register on both the AAA and Rookie Camp sites.



  • A candidate is a current PhD Student with an expected graduation date of Spring 2024 who is ready to enter the job market. Candidate presentations are limited to one appearance at Rookie Camp. If you have previously presented at Rookie Camp, you are not eligible to present again.
  • Registration is required on both the AAA website and RookieCamp.org
  • Candidate registration deadline on the AAA website is Tuesday, October 31, 2023.
  • Candidate application materials submission deadline Tuesday, November 14, 2023.
  • Presentation during Rookie Camp is required - maximum time is 10 minutes.
  • Prior to both creating your profile and submitting your application materials, carefully read the instructions and specifications.
  • Candidates that do not upload application material will not appear on the presentation schedule.


  • Registration is required on both AAA and RookieCamp.org
  • Recruiter registration deadline: December 10, 2023
  • Your school or institution name becomes public after posting your job opportunity


Susanna Gallani

Daniele Macciocchi

Jenny McCallen

Ivy Munoko

Camp Information

Information for Job Candidates

Welcome to the 2023 Rookie Camp! Once you have signed up, please upload your application materials to the site. All application materials must be submitted by November 14, 2023. Please review the step-by-step instructions before registering. Must register by October 31, 2023 on the American Accounting Association website.

Important Information for Recruiters

Please be sure to post a position after you have signed up on the site. Your school will not appear as a "recruiting" school until a position is posted. You are encouraged to review the following step-by-step instructions. Must Register by December 10, 2023 on the American Accounting Association website.

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